Sunday, April 19, 2015


      Coral reefs are known to be some of the most biologically diverse and economically valuable ecosystems on the planet.

       These ecosystems provide a food source to millions of people that live around them.  Coral reefs provide the habitat and breeding grounds for many economically viable fish species.  They also provide jobs and income to the local economies that surround them from fishing and tourism.

       Coral reefs are also very culturally important to many people around the world, especially in Polynesia.

       The estimated net benefits gained from coral reefs around the world are believed to be around 30 billion dollars a year.

For Hawaii in particular, the economic benefits from recreational activities, fishing, and the value of the biodiversity there are estimated at 360 million dollars a year.

      Deep sea reefs around the wold also hold value for ecosystems, serving as breeding grounds for many species, and are locations of large biodiversities and habitats.

       Many commercially important fish such as rockfish, shrimp, and crabs live in deep sea reefs.

       The properties of deep sea corals are also currently being researched for new medicines that have the potential to save many lives.

       According to the Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 200819 percent of the world's reefs are effectively lost, 15 percent are seriously threatened with loss in the next 10-20 years, and 20 percent are under threat of loss in the next 20-40 years.


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